Kelley Brown
Kreative Author's > Georgia
Kelley Brown –born and raised in Chicago, IL is a wife, mother, counselor, life coach, educator, virtuous woman, warrior, consultant author and licensed minister of dance who has a passion to empower people of all ages and cultures using the vehicle of movement. She is driven to help others live a victorious life of joy not just on the dance floor but in every area of their life. She believes that true joy only comes from the Lord. Kelley is happily married to her soul mate, Reverend Travis L. Brown, an author and educator who humbly supports her passion and desire to serve the Lord with her gift of dance and teaching.
Kelley has a Master’s in Education. She holds the office as Teacher and Evangelist in the Five-Fold Ministry. She was ordained as an Evangelist in 1996. She is currently completing her course study in the prophetic from Dancing on the Promises International Ministries under Apostle Michelle Rucker. She has obtained her certificate as a Certified Life Coach under Apostle Michelle Foster, Pass the Baton Pay it Forward Ministries. Kelley has a Masters’ in Counseling (pursuing her license as a Professional Counselor in the State of GA.) Kelley was licensed as a Minister of Dance in 2011 under Apostle Pamela Hardy, Set Free Ministries in the Eagles International Training Institute. She graduated from Kingdom Ambassador Ministerial Training (KAMT) in the office of Teacher in 2015. She has held the office of Dean of the Lions International Training Institute.
Kelley was awarded the 2018 Judah Music and Dance Honors. She is sought after for consultation in dance dynamics, dance management and for dance resources. Kelley has trained and instructed dancers locally and on an international level. She has developed dance teams in churches in multiple states. Kelley has facilitated dance seminars on pageantry, flags and priestly garments. Her heart is to educate, empower and council the whole person in Spirit, Mind and Body.
She serves faithfully as the Servant Leader of Spirit and Word Movement Ministry under the leadership of Pastor Frank Salters and Reverend Miriam Salters at Word of Faith – Light of Joy in Riverdale, Georgia. Kelley has been blessed to minister with various dance ministries such as The Tribe of Judah, Amazing Grace Dancers and Passion for Worship International Dance Ministry. She served as the dance coordinator for Unrestrained Worship Conference in 2017 and 2018 leading dance ministers throughout the state of Georgia in an authentic praise and worship.
Oh the Joy of Beautiful Feet
Kelley Brown, author of Oh the Joy of Beautiful Feet, Joy in Motion Devotional Journal and Oh the Joy of Walking in Your Own Shoes (coming soon). In Oh the Joy of Beautiful Feet, Kelley reveals her inner most secret of how for years she was sabotaged by her own thinking and behaviors that kept her trapped in her past. Kelley offers reflective exercises, personal journaling, poems, powerful quotes and testimonies of many individuals on the transforming power of God through the ministry of dance.
Kelley has lived a large part of her life without joy. When she decided to stop looking for joy in people and things and surrender her all to the Lord Jesus Christ that is when her joy was fulfilled. After just one decision, Kelley NOW stands boldly with the true JOY of the Lord declaring God's word in her dance; declaring God's love with her dance and declaring God's salvation to His people through her dance.
With one decision, your life can change drastically also. Kelley’s readings dare you to choose life not death; choose joy not sorrow and be transformed. Make the decision today to journey through 5 heart to heart chapters in Oh the Joy of Beautiful Feet and 3 bonus chapters of free talk, transparency and repentance with Holy Spirit and be made whole.
Joy in Motion Devotional Journal
Joy in Motion is a contagious ministry brand that is displayed on journals, t-shirts, pins, etc. in multiple states around the world: Georgia, Texas, Alabama, Chicago, South Carolina, New Jersey and Michigan to name a few. This brand was birthed in 2011 out of a life filled with despair, loneliness and brokenness. It is rooted in Nehemiah 8:10, "The Joy of the LORD is my STRENGTH." Joy in Motion brand radiates, ignites, and transforms atmospheres. The unspoken declaration in the logo reminds us all of how powerful the word “Joy” is. The unspoken logo reminds us that joy is a weapon and can defeat any depression, oppression, negative thinking and self-sabotaging behavior. Joy in Motion has been shared in multiple venues such as Women Ministries, dance workshops, Unrestrained Worship Encounter, 2017 & 2018, Eagles International Worship Summit Author Expo, 2015, Unified Praise Conference, 2016. This transforming resource is also in local book stores and dance stores in Georgia: Nubian Book Store in Morrow, GA, Light of Joy Church Media Center and Dance Raggs Worship Store in Mableton, GA.