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Lisa Simmons

Kreative Author's > Florida
Lisa D. Simmons
Unlawful Covenants: Soul Ties Broken
July 12, 2018
 by Lisa D Simmons (Author)
Lisa Simmons serves in four capacities of the five-fold ministry: Prophetess, Evangelist, Pastor and Teacher. The woman of God flows in a strong Apostolic and Prophetic mantle: the gift of prophecy, word of knowledge, and word of wisdom. Also, there’s a strong apostolic deliverance and anointing on the woman of God’s life that is very potent with demonstration. She walks in a healing anointing with the working of miracles as evidence. She predicates the build and maintenance of her ministry on fasting, praying and being an apprentice of word. Prophetess Lisa Simmons spiritual father and covering is Prophet Joseph Quist from Accra, Ghana.

Prophetess has a heart for the ministry to serve the people of God. She walks in authority, but with a grace that captivates the heart of God’s people. She is a second generation preacher who life exemplifies the characteristics of Christ. She has been called to all people of age and nationality. The wisdom on her life qualifies and equips her for any situation and circumstance. Her teachings cause her to maneuver in realms of the spirit and she is gaining momentum. Lisa is also an Author. She released her first book called “Unlawful Covenants” in April 2018.
Are you ready to be free from the chains that bind up your life? Prophetess takes her readers on a synoptic journey. She deals with potential deadly covenants, while politely expounding on God’s design for covenants. This book has the keys to unlock your destiny, breaking the chains over your life. Lisa Simmons has a master degree in Christian Counseling and she is the mother of four.

Prophetess Lisa takes her readers on a synoptic journey. She deals with potentially deadly covenants while politely expounding on God’s design for covenants He ordained. As you take this journey with her, you can anticipate a full understanding of what covenant is & how wrong covenants can lead you on a destructive path. Be prepared to walk in Freedom as you pray prayers from the book that will deliver & set free your Spirit, Soul & Body!
Unlawful Covenants: Soul Ties Broken
Lisa Simmons/LS2018
Florida Author's
Unlawful Covenants: Soul Ties Broken
Prophetess Lisa takes her readers on a synoptic journey. She deals with potentially deadly covenants while politely expounding on God’s design for covenants He ordained. As you take this journey with her, you can anticipate a full understanding of what covenant is & how wrong covenants can lead you on a destructive path. Be prepared to walk in Freedom as you pray prayers from the book that will deliver & set free your Spirit, Soul & Body!
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